This time was my second time through a Body Fit weight loss transformation. I had previously competed the six week Body Fit Christmas Crunch Challenge, and subsequently the five week transition program.
Having done a Transformation program before had its advantages – I was already familiar with the meal program and the exercise program – I didn’t lose several days trying to figure out how to work through those aspects, and I had stayed off caffeine and sugar, so I didn’t have the withdrawal issues I experienced the first time. I was also in better shape physically, so I was able to attack the exercise components right from the start.
The best elements of the program were:
Working out with a group and a trainer. This is fantastic. It’s motivating and supportive – I can’t say enough about how important this aspect of the program is.
The structure – for me, having a meal plan and exercise program laid out was important. It took away the choice. Just do the program.
I learned I can make the time to look after myself.
It works. I have been losing fat and weight, I am off my blood pressure medication and I have a better understanding of my eating habits and triggers, and how to work out in the gym.
The elements of the program I struggled with were:
Hitting plateaus – where I was tired of eating the limited food choices; where my thyroid medication had to be adjusted down (which is a good thing, but hinders weight loss in the short term); where my whole body just didn’t want to co-operate any more. This started about 3 – 4 weeks into this latest transformation. It was quite demoralizing, and I wanted to quit. I was working hard, and getting nowhere. But working within a group structure helped me get through.
The pressure of 1.4 extra pounds of fat to lose. I had gained this back over the maintenance period, so I had to lose this in addition to the 15 pounds required in this transformation. This really weighed on every choice I made, good or bad, though out the program.
I am very pleased with my progress, and I will continue to make good use of the information and tools provided through these programs.