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Maria – 6 Week Transformer

6 weeks ago I decided that I needed a change.  I needed to get out of a rut I had created for myself that included lots of junk food after recently having my new baby boy.  Being a mommy to a 5 year old and a 5 month old is the best thing that has ever happened to me…. but I lost myself in it.  Enter 6 week Christmas Crunch! I will admit I was scared and I didn’t know what to expect.  I knew it would be hard but I didn’t realize just how hard.  Was I ready?  Was I willing to commit at least 5 days a week to exercise?  Yes and yes!  Was I ready to give up all kinds of foods that I loved and was addicted to?  NO. I.  WAS. NOT!  But I was going to do it anyway. My journey started off as I would assume everyone else’s did.  The workouts were tough and I was sore, I was tired, I was hungry and I was craving carbs like crazy.  I would automatically reach for chocolate after a meal and then remember I couldn’t have it.  I was mad!  My husband is my best friend and the most supportive person in my life and I don’t think I could have made it without him.  I have thanked him a million times for putting up with me during my carb and sugar withdrawal tantrums- of which there were many in the beginning.  But a magical thing happened after a week… The cravings started to subside.

The diet slowly got easier but eating tofu twice a day was making me very irritated.  I had my ups and downs with this because the only protein I was able to eat was tofu.  Have you had tofu?  It’s not too bad covered in sauce or fried but sauce and oil are not on the diet.  I struggled with that.  With that said,  I have learned to think about what I was eating and the effect it will have on my body.  Too often I would think “oh, it’s just a little cookie” and 5 cookies later I was still going.  Now I understand that treats are fine to have on occasion and in moderation but they should not be an every day occurrence.  I have also come to appreciate portion sizes and what my body needs for energy.  Food is something to be enjoyed but not for over indulgence.  I am at a point now where I do not want to sabotage all the hard work I have put in the last 6 weeks. Eventually I started to look forward to the workouts.  I actually had fun with my group (who were all lovely people by the way) and there were many laughs.  Each week was something new and the circuits kept the hour interesting and sometimes very entertaining.  The workouts we did on our own were also different and made me feel like jelly after (not to eat but how my muscles felt).  Christina always took into account the limitations my back pain would put on me and would give me options on how to complete the exercises.   When I was in pain I would carry on with either lighter weights or use an exercise ball to support my back.   As my core got stronger I was able to eliminate the exercise ball and use heavier weights more often. I was asking my husband every day if he saw a difference in me and of course there wouldn’t be after a couple of weeks.  I kept at it.  As tired as I was, my body started to want the workouts and I wasn’t as sore after them.  I felt a huge sense of accomplishment after each training session.  I felt like I was doing something for myself after every workout, and I liked it.  The first three weeks were so difficult but the last 3 have just flown by and the second someone said to me “wow, you can really see a difference” was the second I realized that I only want to keep going, to keep getting stronger and to keep taking care of myself so that I can be the best mom to my boys. Thank you to everyone who has supported, encouraged and listened to me vent when needed.


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